Educare Centre

Early childhood, which happens only once and fleetingly, is the most developmentally influential and significant time of any life. Children who are properly stimulated, nourished, and psychologically supported during this period will function better for their entire lives. By developing physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially, they will achieve greater results at any undertaken activity, contribute more to society, and participate in breaking cycles of poverty and inequality for future generations.

Quality ECD leads to better literacy and numeracy outcomes, better performance in primary school, social skills, improved attention spans, improved confidence and resilience and a long term interest in learning. It also leads to fewer behavioural issues which can improve family life.

Aside from the long-term benefits of ECD, early childhood should be a wonderful time when children have fun, learn to play alone and with others, and are affirmed by knowing that they belong in a dependable group, in a safe and carefree haven. All these benefits of ECD are immediate and impact all family members.

To this end JCH established an Early Childhood Development Centre with the focus on school readiness, proper nutrition and supporting family strength.

Our Early Childhood Development Centre, Funda Ngo Thando (Learn with Love) opened its doors in January 2021. We welcome children aged 2-3 and 3-4 for this first year. Any donors interested in supporting this project can contact

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“Kids don’t remember what you try to teach them. They remember what you are.”

~ Jim Henson

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