How grateful we all are for the lifting of the Covid-19 restrictions! After more than two years, it’s been wonderful to be able to (cautiously) welcome visitors and volunteers back to our Home again – and it has certainly lifted the mood amongst both the children and our team.

Being able to host Mandela Day again was great! In fact, we managed to extend it to the entire month of July, with volunteers coming through every week. Their support was nothing short of amazing! Thank you to everyone who came to visit, bearing gifts of much needed groceries and treats for the children, as well as willing hands to help with gardening and maintenance projects around the Home.

Our staff have felt the effects of the past two years of high intensity care. Now, we face the challenge of caring for a large number of new children, placed here as a result of the impact of the pandemic on families. Job losses and rising food prices have literally left parents unable to provide for their children. We are hoping and praying that the situation returns to normal soon.

Our therapy team has their hands full, using art, drama and music therapy to help children work through their issues. In addition, the social workers encourage the children to participate in games and sports to ease anxiety and build self confidence.

Despite the challenges, our children enjoyed a lovely holiday programme, with a couple of picnics, fun ‘old school’ games days and cooking competitions. Our three matric boys have put in a lot of extra effort and been rewarded with improved marks.

With spring in the air, we are all feeling more positive. We look forward to the warmer weather and hope for a generous yield from our food gardens. Our income generating projects are gradually getting back on track, with hall hire and guests returning to our B&B. It has been lovely to meet many of you at our new book and food fairs – and we look forward to more of these in the months ahead.

As always, thank you for your interest, care and generosity.